Periodt Gel Liquid Syringes 100277 100279
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Periodt Gel Application 100277
Periodt Gel 2pk 100277

PerioDT Biofilm Debridement Sulfonated Phenolics, 1mL (Liquid or Gel) (2pk)

Item #periodt-1ml-lg
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How does PerioDT work?

The action of PerioDT is based upon the simple fast-acting principle of Desiccation Technology (DT). Desiccation is a simple physical process that removes water from the combination of infectious microbial material, dead cellular debris (necrotic material) and other macromolecules found around tooth and prosthetic surfaces in the oral cavity. This process occurs less than one minute after contact with those materials.

• Desiccation of dental plaque, calculus and biofilm present in periodontal pockets and surrounding tooth surfaces
• Assists with debridement and removal of plaque, calculus and biofilm from periodontal pockets and surrounding tooth surfaces
• Use as an adjunctive rinse on exposed dentition or dental prosthetics
• Desiccates and removes pathogenic bacteria and necrotic tissue

• Safe on dentin, enamel and cementum
• Safe on porcelain, titanium and other metals
• Two viscosity choices, liquid and gel
• Easy to use delivery system
• One syringe can complete a full arch
• Red color to show where it has been placed
• Fast acting – desiccation effect begins immediately upon contact
• Non-systemic, non-antibiotic

Additional information


Gel, Liquid


10 pack, 2 pack

PerioDT Testimonial

PerioDT Testimonial

Download Full PerioDT Testimonial

Top Teeth

Patient 1: The patient presented with bulbous gingiva, moderate subgingival calculus, and spontaneous bleeding
with instrumentation. PerioDT helped control the bleeding during hand instrumentation, providing improved
visualization and instrument control during subgingival debridement.

Bot Teeth

Patient 2: The patient presented with tenacious, moderate supra and subgingival calculus. The calculus was
challenging to remove because the patient smokes cannabis. A benefit of PerioDT is that it almost instantaneously
softens calculus, reducing hand fatigue, increasing patient comfort, and improving efficiency.

(Patient images found in testimonial PDF)

Application Instructions

Application Process

PerioDT Biofilm Debridement Sulfonated Phenolics Instructions for Use

Please download the PerioDT Application Process PDF

Ys Periodt Application Flyer Final


Frequently Asked Questions

PerioDT Biofilm Debridement Sulfonated Phenolics Safety Data Sheet

Download PerioDT FAQ PDF

What is PerioDT?
Young PerioDT with Desiccation Technology is an advanced, topical dental debridement liquid or gel intended for use as an adjunctive decontamination rinse of tooth and prosthetic surfaces during the performance of certain dental procedures to help remove the smear layer and necrotic debris.

How does PerioDT work?
The action of PerioDT is based upon the simple fast-acting principle of Desiccation Technology (DT). Desiccation is a simple physical process that removes water from the combination of infectious microbial material, dead cellular debris (necrotic material) and other macromolecules found around tooth and prosthetic surfaces in the oral cavity. This process occurs less than one minute after contact with those materials.

What are the indications for use of PerioDT?
1. Caries Restoration Procedures – PerioDT is indicated for use as an adjunctive rinse of exposed dentin surfaces in cavity preparations to assist in the removal of contaminated debris and microbial smear layer.

2. Periodontitis and Gingivitis Treatment Procedures – PerioDT is indicated for use as an adjunctive rinse of tooth surfaces
during periodontal debridement procedures (scaling and root planing) to help with the removal of contaminated debris from the sulcus.

3. Root Canal Cleanser Procedures – PerioDT is indicated for use as an adjunctive rinse of tooth root canal systems and adjacent tooth surfaces during standard professional dental procedures to enhance the removal of post-instrumentation dentinal debris and microbial smear layer within the root canal systems.

What procedures can PerioDT be used for?
The product can universally be used for any oral debridement procedure involving:
• General Prophylaxis in areas of gingivitis or heavy plaque and biofilm buildup
• Pre-restoration of excavated caries
• Cleaning of abscessed tissue sites
• Pre- and Post-mucosal surgery
• Peri-Implant mucositis and implantitis
• Cleaning fixed and removable prosthetics and orthodontic fixtures
• Periodontal treatment
• Caries/Crown preparation cleanser
• Endodontic treatment

How should PerioDT be applied?
Please refer to the Product Instructions for Use as referenced on the website or contained in the product packaging. Here are a few additional tips for application:
• Dry tissue surfaces with cotton gauze or compressed air prior to the application of PerioDT. In cases with excess bleeding, clinicians recommend that the product be applied liberally to displace excess blood and fluid. This is because the product is less effective as it becomes diluted. Product should never be left in place for more than 30-60 seconds.
• After application, allow to sit for 30-60 seconds. Then, use High Volume Evacuation, rinse and follow with the saliva ejector.
• Unlike antibiotics and other cleaning agents, using more is not better. The beneficial action of PerioDT is virtually instantaneous.

What are the ingredients of PerioDT?
PerioDT is a combination of multiple products that include aromatic phenolics, sulfuric acid and water. Please refer to the PerioDT Safety Data Sheet for further information.

What is the difference between PerioDT Liquid and PerioDT Gel?
There is no difference in the ingredients in these two viscosities of the product. The gel simply contains a small amount of silica to achieve a thicker viscosity. Some clinicians prefer to use the gel in clinical sites where liquid might flow away from the treatment area. The gel is more likely to remain in place where it is used. Both products will demonstrate reduced viscosity as they warm to body temperature. Use of either form of the product is simply personal clinician preference considering the clinical procedure being performed. Gel is typically used for caries/crown preparation cleanser. The liquid is used for peri-implantitis and endodontic procedures.

How many treatments are contained in one, 1mL syringe of PerioDT Gel or Liquid?
In most cases, if used in conjunction with periodontal debridement procedures, such as scaling and root planing, one 1mL syringe contains enough liquid or gel to treat a full arch, if used both pre and post scaling and root planing. The syringe and accompanying applicator tips are single patient use only. PerioDT can be applied to help remove contaminated debris from tooth surfaces.

What type of applicator tip is used for PerioDT?
The applicator tip is a standard Luer Lock, Curved dispensing tip. Additionally, any standard luer-lock applicator tip may be used based on clinician’s preferences.

Does PerioDT harm healthy tissue?
Each patient’s tissues may respond slightly different to PerioDT and should be considered for use on a case by case basis. The interaction of the product will depend upon the composition of the tissue. PerioDT is hygroscopic, pulling water from it’s environment. Although the formula has been designed to prevent desiccation of healthy tissue, an interaction may occur and it is advised to only apply product in areas where indicated. Indicated areas include inflamed, bleeding periodontal pockets or areas of heavy calculus/biofilm buildup.

What if PerioDT contacts the skin or tissue outside of the mouth?
The desiccation process acts in an extremely slow manner on intact, non-mucosal skin and will generally have no effect upon accidental contact. It should be immediately removed with rinsing, and it can damage clothing. Contact for excessive periods of time could yield a slight warming sensation.

Can PerioDT stain clothing?
Yes, clothing can acquire pink staining or be damaged by incidental contact with PerioDT.

Does PerioDT need to be refrigerated?
No, room temperature storage is appropriate. Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet for additional storage and product information.

What is the shelf life of PerioDT?
Two years. Please refer to the Expiration Date noted on the product label for exact information.

Does the use of PerioDT have any contraindications?
Yes, contraindications include:

  • A contraindication for PerioDT is for a SULFUR allergy. This does not include SULFA allergies. There is a significant difference between SULFUR and SULFA. Sulfa is an antibiotic in the Sulfonamide family. It is the earliest of the antimicrobial agents dating back to the 1930’s, a precursor to all other antibiotics. Sulfur is an element in the periodic table, #16. PerioDT has properties of sulfates from sulfur. Sulfate allergies are extremely rare. Sulfates (PerioDT) are different from sulfonamide antibiotics (Sulfa) and do not cause allergic or sensitivity reactions. There is no clinical evidence of cross-allergy between sulfonamide antibiotics and sulfonamide nonantibiotics.
  • PerioDT is also contraindicated for use when it may contact calcium hydroxide.
  • PerioDT should not be diluted. Diluting with water or combining PerioDT with another product will render the product ineffective or potentially harmful.